Derriere la Gare Saint-Lazare


He was arguably the last century’s greatest photographer, and the photograph above was to Time magazine, “The Photo of the Century”. While honored and remembered as the premier photojournalist, Henri Cartier-Bresson also gave the world the jewels of the street photography, most famous among which was this 1932 picture, Derriere la Gare Saint-Lazare.

By then, photographs of puddle jumpers were clichés, but as New York Times remembered, “Cartier-Bresson brings to his image layer on layer of fresh and uncanny detail: the figure of a leaping dancer on a pair of posters on a wall behind the man mirrors him and his reflection in the water; the rippling circles made by the ladder echo circular bands of discarded metal debris; another poster, advertising a performer named Railowsky, puns with the railway station and the ladder, which, flat, resembles a railroad track.”

However, the picture that defined Cartier-Bresson’s career was ironically one of only two pictures he cropped. He detested the darkroom techniques and to prevent his editors from cropping, he sent his pictures with a black border — the frame he himself imposed at the instant he snapped the picture. However, behind the train station, he couldn’t managed to do this:

“There was a plank fence around some repairs behind the Gare Saint Lazare train station. I happened to be peeking through a gap in the fence with my camera at the moment the man jumped. The space between the planks was not entirely wide enough for my lens, which is the reason why the picture is cut off on the left,” he explained in his usual laconic manner.

Read H.C.-B.’s obituary by James Nachtwey here.


45 thoughts on “Derriere la Gare Saint-Lazare”

  1. […] event at a single time. There’s no decisive moment, no ‘punctum‘. It’s not a 30th of a second behind the Gare St-Lazare. It’s a messy collision of moments and locations glued together to make a sort of […]

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  3. Alexander Brailowsky was the greatest Chopin expert of the 20th C (many say). He would be about 36 years old in 1932. Was a naturalized French citizen born in Ukraine. The man is running, probably, to get his ticket for the concert. The ripples from the ladder are like arpeggios from Brailowsky’s fingers. You can hear Brailowsky recorded on Youtube, I believe. He’s worth getting your feet wet for! – Belated

  4. […] It has always amused me that the staunchest advocates of the uncropped image have been those who have used cameras with some of the least accurate viewfinders. I was a great fan of range-finder cameras, owning and using a number of them over the years – Leica, Konica, Minolta etc, and none of them were particularly precise – and with some lenses spectacularly wrong. And of course even that great photographer and advocate of the full frame – to the extent of producing images including the sprocket holes where he had loaded the film incorrectly – cropped what is perhaps his most famous image. […]

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  6. […] The most iconic perfectly timed photo is from the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, who captured the exact moment a man leaped into a gigantic puddle from a ladder. Cartier-Bresson shot this image in 1932, three years after receiving his first camera. He went on to pioneer street photography and the candid form of picture-taking. (Photo: Henri Cartier-Bresson) […]

  7. […] Reflection off of puddles in the street might result in interesting photographs as well. After a rain, you can actively look for puddles. Depending on the angle, you’ll see a reflection of yourself, trees, or part of a building. For inspiration, check out French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson’s puddle reflection of a man leaping forward in the street. […]

  8. Есть такая услуга – добровольное медицинское обслуживание .
    Она предполагает, что вы вносите небольшую сумму за абонемент и посещает врачей в течение года БЕСПЛАТНО.
    Однако опросы показали, что лишь 3% жителей города знают о ее существовании.
    По какой причине?
    Да потому что клиникам намного выгодней брать плату за каждый визит.
    А если какой-нибудь сотрудник клиники посоветует добровольное медицинское обслуживание клиенту – это сулит ему увольнением.
    Эта информация уже вызвала множество скандалов, сразу после того как информацию об этом распространил один врач.
    Его уволили “по собственному желанию”, после того, как он предложил ДМО постоянному клиенту.
    Самое невероятное, что информация по ДМО присутствуют в открытом доступе, просто натыкались на эту информацию только случайные люди.
    Как отстоять свои права?
    О правилах предоставления услуги и обязанностях частных клиник можно узнать, сделав запрос в Яндексе: “добровольное медицинское обслуживание”.
    Именно обслуживание, а не страхование.


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