24 thoughts on “Pablo Escobar Dead”

    1. Pablo Escobar was not killed, he shot himself when he felt the real danger of that day, I do not know why the national police department of Colombia says that they killed him… Pablo Used his gun and shot his ear like he said he will do it if he feels the danger anytime… that´s the true…

  1. its a shame and should be seen as criminal fo the US to waste tax dollars in outher countries to assassintae a drug cartel runner… its useless as someone else will just take over.. kill them somoene else will as well and so on.. PLUS its none of the US gov’s business! until those drugs hit our borders THEN its our business. kill the importer NOT the exporter. do that and who would want to smuggle it in? would cost cartels shitloads

  2. that pic looks fake some of tiles at bottom are the same ones with the same marks and the americans look photo shopped into the picture. Pablo is dead but just sayin.

  3. pablo was a drug pushing terrorist. thank you to all that was involved in his death. god bless you for saving the world from that thug.

  4. Oh yeah sean, he’s alive and well and has enrolled in a 12 step recovery group in Texas. When reading your comments “I fell of my chair laughing so hard” (ah ha, yeah right).

  5. Pablo was hit in the left ear by a long range weapon that actually took him down and of course the U.S. was involved. No one ever took credit for this hit. This happened in 1993 and did it truly make a difference? No, the corruptions, drug dealings and murders continue. It was a political move that made the true criminals a lot of money.

  6. Gracias a Dios que desaparecio y Colombia recupero parte de su identidad….personas como este ampon estan en el mejor sitio que pueden estar CEMENTERIO//////Ojala que apendimos la leccion que nos dejo este sujeto……viva Colombia …..Colombia sin gemte como Pablo

  7. Hi Guys! Love this photo 🙂 Want to make a poster out of it. Does anyone know this? Where can i buy it?

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